Sunday, June 30, 2013

Kickstarter iPhone App: Make Twitter, Facebook and More share icons disappear!

Date: 06/30/2013

Kickstarter iPhone App: Version 1.2.2


There is an incredibly minor bug with the twitter and facebook share buttons on project detail pages.

Writing it down because I am bored.

You should download the Kickstarter iPhone App, it is really good.

I’ve noticed a small bug.  If you head to any project detail page, you will find three share buttons.  A “tweet” button, a facebook share button, and a “More” button.

If you coordinate pressing either the “tweet” or facebook share buttons while pressing the more button simultaneously, all three buttons will disappear if you cancel out of sharing either the facebook posting or tweet.

The buttons only disappear momentarily, and then you’re suddenly bumped back to the top of the screen.

An extremely minor bug, but one I found to be interesting.  Please see the attached screenshots.

Steps to reproduce:

1.     Launch the Kickstarter iPhone app (version 1.2.2)
2.     Sign in with your account
3.     Head to any project’s detail page
4.     Use two fingers and press the Twitter share icon the “more” icon at the same time
5.     Cancel out of the draft tweet
6.     Watch as the twitter, facebook and more icons disappear from the app
7.     Watch as your bumped to the top of the screen
8.     Scroll down and watch the icons return

Result:  On an project detail page, pressing either the “twitter” or facebook share icons while pressing the “More” icon at the same time results in the three icons momentarily disappearing from screen – and you’ll get bumped back to the top of the project

Expected:  Pressing either the twitter icon or the facebook share icons while also pressing the “more” icon shouldn’t result in buttons disappearing from within the Kickstarter iphone app


Coordinate pressing the Tweet share icon and the More icon at the same time....

Cancel out of the tweet....

The tweet, facebook share, and more icons momentarily disappear.  

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