Sunday, June 30, 2013

Yelp iPhone App - searches for forward slashes crash the app!

Date: 06/30/2013

Yelp iPhone App: Version 6.8.0


There is a very easy way to crash the Yelp iPhone app.

If you run a search of the forward slash character \ the iPhone application will crash.

Please take a look at the attached screenshots. 

Steps to reproduce:

1.     Launch the Yelp iPhone app (version 6.8.0)
2.     Click in any search box
3.     Run a search for the forward slash

Result:  Running searches for the forward slash will crash the Yelp iPhone app

Expected:  Running searches for the forward slash should not crash the Yelp iPhone app

Click inside of any search box....

Run a search for the forward slash...

Click on search and run a search for the forward slash.  The Yelp iPhone app will crash.

1 comment:

  1. SourcingLab will help you to easily create Boolean searches across multiple platforms and store them for future searches. If you don’t have experience with creating Boolean search strings, don't worry. With few clicks you will create a string that you can start using like a pro. This tool also helps you to get around the search restriction that LinkedIn recently rolled out.
