Sunday, June 2, 2013

Amazing Registry iPhone App is misspelled as "AmazingRegisty" in the App Store

Date: 06/02/2013

AmazingRegisty iPhone App: Version 1.02


There’s a Seattle based company called Amazing Registry.

They have an iPhone app that looks to have a typo in the listed name in the iPhone App Store.

In the App Store, the app is labeled as “AmazingRegisty” – you’ll notice the missing letter “r” in “registry.”

This probably wouldn’t matter except when a person goes to the App Store and runs a search for “AmazingRegistry” – the App Store doesn’t return any results.

You have to actually run a search for the typo to get any results!

Please see the attached screenshots.


1.     Head to the App Store
2.     Note that the Amazing Registry app is misspelled as “AmazingRegisty

Result:  The Amazing Registry iPhone app is mislabeled as “AmazingRegisty” – it is missing the letter “r”

Expected:  The Amazing Registry iPhone app should appear as “AmazingRegistry” in Apple App Store

Run a search for "AmazingRegistry" in the App Store - no results will be returned....

In the App Store, the app is labeled as "AmazingRegisty" - not as "AmazingRegistry"...

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