Monday, August 19, 2013

Foursquare iPhone App: Easy way to crash the app using “Open in Safari” from in-app facebook and twitter screens

Date: 08/20/2013

Foursquare iPhone App: Version 6.2.4


Yet another bug that no regular person would hit.

When you search for people’s profiles inside of the iPhone app, you’re given the ability to open up their linked facebook and twitter accounts.

If you time it right, you can drag the “Open in Safari” option onto the incorrect screen.

If you select this “Open in Safari” option on the wrong screen, the iPhone app will crash.

This is exactly like the last bug I just wrote.  This is easier to show than to describe, so please take a look at the attached screenshots.

Steps to reproduce:

1.     While signed into an account, launch the Foursquare iPhone app (version 6.2.4)
2.     Select the left hand slider – then select “Find Friends”
3.     Select “Search by Name”
4.     Enter in a search term (for example: “test”)
5.     Select a profile with linked facebook and/or twitter account (example: “Syracuse University”)
6.     Select the Facebook or Twitter options
7.     Coordinate pressing the arrows in the upper right hand corner and the bottom left hand corner simultaneously
8.     You’ll be taken to the previous profile screen with an “Open in Safari” option at the bottom of the screen – select it

Result: On the in-app facebook and twitter screens, the user is able to select two options and drag the “Open in Safari” screen onto the previous screen, doing so crashes the iPhone app

Expected:  App shouldn’t crash if “Open in Safari” is dragged to a previous screen

Select a foursquare page or profile that has linked facebook or twitter accounts.

On a profile or page that has linked facebook or twitter accounts, select the option to visit them...

Select the "Facebook" option...

Select the arrows in opposite corners of the screen - doesn't matter when you do it, you can wait till the facebook connect page loads, or you can do it fast, as seen above...

The "Open in Safari" option is on the incorrect screen, selecting either "Cancel" or "Open in Safari" will crash the iPhone app...

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