Saturday, August 25, 2012

Easy to reproduce crash on the "Save to list" screen

Foursquare iPhone app version 5.2.3

I'm a huge foursquare fan.  I enjoy playing around with the app.  I've written a handful of bugs in the past.

My one complaint about foursquare?  I'd gladly privately post bugs onto their zendesk forum thing, but i've never been able to figure out how to submit anything!  Far too complicated.

I've found an easy to reproduce crash with newly released iPhone app (version 5.2.3).  This crash is "punch yourself" kind of bug, but I figured that you'd rather know about it, than not.

I've sent in the crash dumps several times, in case anyone over there is wondering.  I've written bugs like this for previous versions of the foursquare iPhone app, and i've seen those bugs get fixed.  Don't know if this kind of bug matters or not, but I figured you'd appreciate knowing.

You can skip down below for the screenshots.

Repro Steps:

1.  Launch the iPhone app (version 5.2.3)
2.  Go to any place and select "SAVE"
3.  From the "Save to list" screen, select "Create a new list"
4.  Using two fingers select "Cancel" and "Add" at the same time
5.  Wait one second

Result:  Pressing "Cancel" and "Add" on the "Save to list" screen crashes the Foursquare iPhone app (version 5.2.3)

Expected:  Pressing "Cancel" and "Add" on the "Save to list" screen should not crash the Foursquare iPhone app

Select "SAVE"

Select "Create a new list"

Press "Cancel" and "Add" at the same time.  Wait one second....

It crashes.

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