Sunday, August 12, 2012

E Online articles always display an error message using Safari Mobile

iPhone firmware: 5.1.1

I keep wondering if I am the only one who is seeing this.

For several weeks now, I have never once been able to get an article from E! Online to work correctly on my iPhone.

Every article I have loaded from E! Online, gives me the following error message:

"This page contains the following errors:

error on line 121 at column 50: EntityRef: expecting ';"

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error."

I see the top of each article, but I am unable to scroll the page up, to read the article. I have gotten this problem 20+ times. Each time i've gone to Google News to look at featured entertainment articles, selected an E! Online link, and gotten stuck on a page with the same error message from above.

Repro Steps:

1. On an iPhone, use Safari Mobile to travel to an E! Online web page
2. Note error message and inability to scroll down through article

Result: My iPhone hasn't displayed a single E! Online article correctly for weeks

Expected: I expect no error message from E! Online articles that I read on an iPhone using Safari Mobile

Repro Rate: On my iPhone, 100 %.

The above screenshot is what i've been seeing on my iPhone for weeks now.

This is from this url:

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