Thursday, August 30, 2012

EyeEm iPhone App - unable to share

I download the EyeEm iPhone app yesterday.  It’s a lot of fun, and it’s worth a download just to see a very unique user interface.

I’ve found one bug, however, that I found was easy to reproduce.

I’ll include some screenshots and repro steps below, but the bug is pretty straightforward:  It doesn’t look as if newly created accounts (created via e-mail sign ups) are able to share pictures.  I keep getting 404 “Oops!” error messages.

I’ve gotten this now with two different production accounts.

Here’s the repro steps for the bug that I am seeing.

1.     Download and launch the EyeEm iPhone app (version 2.6.5)
2.     Create a new account using the “Or sign up with Email” feature
3.     Select any picture you see
4.     From any picture, select “Share on Facebook” or “Tweet it” or “Post on Tumblr”

Result:  With a newly created production account, I am unable to share any photo

Expected:  Should be able to share photos (if account not linked to Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, I expect to be taken to login screen) shouldn’t be dumped on a 404

Create a new EyeEm account using the "Or sign up with Email" feature.

Select any photo you see as a brand new user.  Press the arrow in the upper right hand corner.

Select either "Share on Facebook" or "Tweet it" or "Post on Tumblr"

I keep getting 404 error pages.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Facebook iPhone App - Version 5.0 - Easy way to crash the iPhone App

Date: 08/27/2012
Facebook iPhone App (version 5.0)
Firmware of my iPhone: 5.1.1


I know, I know.  I’m a “one trick pony”.

I’ve found an exceedingly easy way to crash the version 5.0 Facebook iPhone app.

It’s highly unlikely that any regular human being would do this, but I figure that by reporting this it will help better understand the app.

While looking at a post, there’s an option to activate a little pop-up that gives the user to report some a post.

It’s easy to activate this pop-up while returning back to your own feed.  If you drag the pop-up back over your own feed, you app will crash when you dismiss the pop-up.

This is easier to show than to describe, so please skip below to attached screenshots.

Repro Steps:

1. Logged into FB account, update to version 5.0 of the iPhone app
2. Launch FB – select any item in your feed
3. Using two fingers and a little bit of dexterity (once you get it down, you’ll get it every time) select the spam reporting arrow in upper right, and the return in upper left
4. With “Report/Mark as Spam” overlaid over your feed, select either “Report/Mark as Spam” or “Cancel”

Result:  Easy way to drag the “Report/Mark as Spam” pop-up back out over your feed.  Canceling it out crashes the application

Expected:  Shouldn’t be able to drag “Report/Mark as Spam” pop-up back out over the feed

P.S.  I like the version 5.0 update, but I’d like ability to share posts from the feed.  This is feature I use often on the web.

Select a post from your feed, then, while viewing the post, use two fingers and select the spam reporting tool and the return arrow...

It's easy to drag "Report/Mark as Spam" pop-up back over your facebook feed.  Once you do, the app will crash.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Easy to reproduce crash on the "Save to list" screen

Foursquare iPhone app version 5.2.3

I'm a huge foursquare fan.  I enjoy playing around with the app.  I've written a handful of bugs in the past.

My one complaint about foursquare?  I'd gladly privately post bugs onto their zendesk forum thing, but i've never been able to figure out how to submit anything!  Far too complicated.

I've found an easy to reproduce crash with newly released iPhone app (version 5.2.3).  This crash is "punch yourself" kind of bug, but I figured that you'd rather know about it, than not.

I've sent in the crash dumps several times, in case anyone over there is wondering.  I've written bugs like this for previous versions of the foursquare iPhone app, and i've seen those bugs get fixed.  Don't know if this kind of bug matters or not, but I figured you'd appreciate knowing.

You can skip down below for the screenshots.

Repro Steps:

1.  Launch the iPhone app (version 5.2.3)
2.  Go to any place and select "SAVE"
3.  From the "Save to list" screen, select "Create a new list"
4.  Using two fingers select "Cancel" and "Add" at the same time
5.  Wait one second

Result:  Pressing "Cancel" and "Add" on the "Save to list" screen crashes the Foursquare iPhone app (version 5.2.3)

Expected:  Pressing "Cancel" and "Add" on the "Save to list" screen should not crash the Foursquare iPhone app

Select "SAVE"

Select "Create a new list"

Press "Cancel" and "Add" at the same time.  Wait one second....

It crashes.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

MoveTogether iPhone app: MAX GROUP SIZE counter

MoveTogether iPhone app (version 1.0)


I had to write this one down.

There’s an exceptionally easy way to get the “MAX GROUP SIZE” counter to spin wildly out of control.

This one is much easier to show, than to describe, so if you’d like, just skip down to the attached screenshots.

On the “Start an Activity” screen, there are “-“ and “+” buttons at the bottom of the screen, next to the words, “MAX GROUP SIZE”.

Using a little finger dexterity, if you press the “-“ and the “+” at roughly the same time, the MAX GROUP SIZE counter will begin counting upwards.

Once it starts counting upwards, you can’t stop it unless you cancel out of the page.

I was able to reproduce this several times, and was able to watch the group size counter tick into 4 digits.

Repro Steps:

1.     Download the MoveTogether iPhone app – create an account
2.     Head to the “Start an Activity” screen
3.     Using two fingers press the “-“ and the “+” next to “MAX GROUP SIZE” at roughly the same time

Result:  Pressing the “-“ and the “+” next to MAX GROUP SIZE results in the MAX GROUP SIZE counter continually ticking upwards

Expected:  Pressing the “-“ and the “+” next to MAX GROUP SIZE should not cause the MAX GROUP SIZE counter to spin upwards

Head to the "Start an Activity" page, and press the "-" and the "+" at roughly the same time.
The MAX GROUP SIZE counter will begin counting upwards, with the number continually climbing.  
Out of control counter!  You can cancel out, but it is interesting to sit an watch the group size counter continually climb on it's own!

Mobile Safari: Washington Post article continually crashes on my iPhone.

Mobile Safari:

I was reading this interesting article on my iPhone this morning:

And it crashed my browser.  Not once, not twice, but upwards of 7 times.

Closed all my other open tabs, and kept reloading.  It would always crash.

Sometimes it would crash after about 5 seconds, sometimes after about 20.  But it always crashed.

My iPhone is running 5.1.1
I have an old 3GS 16 gig model.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fontly iPhone App - Twitter posts generated from the app link to a mysterious twitter account

One minor thing i've noticed while using the Fontly app.  If you send a tweet out, based on a Fontly posting, there's a link to @Fontly.

This @Fontly looks to be a user not associated with the app.  Does not look to be the official Fontly twitter account located at @FontlyApp.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Easy way to crash the Open Table iPhone app

iPhone firmware: 5.1.1

Open Table iPhone App (version 3.7.1)

I know, I know.  Words suck.  Skip down to the repro steps and attached screenshots.

This is one of those "punch yourself" kind of bugs.  But hey, those were always my favorite.  Above you'll see an image.  The image above is of the "party size" selector menu from the Open Table iPhone app.

The problem is that the party size selector option isn't supposed to be present on the screen seen above.  If you've reached this point on the Open Table iPhone app, the application will crash if you press "Done" or attempt to change the party size.

Basically, there is an incredibly easy way to crash the Open Table iPhone application (version 3.7.1).  No regular human being would do the steps involved to get this crash.

Why write this down problem down?  Well, it's better to get a more holistic understanding of the application, isn't it?  Plus, i'm bored.  

The importability of something doesn't mean it doesn't mean something doesn't exist.  You-know-what-im-saying?

This crash involves dragging/activation the "party size" selector on top of a screen where it does not belong.  This bug can be easily reproduced.  This bug can be actually reproduced on dozens of apps.  I've seen some apps where these kinds of crashes have been fixed over time.  It requires a small bit of two-finger dexterity.  Below are the repro steps.....

Repro Steps:

1.  Download and launch the Open Table iPhone app (version 3.7.1)
2.  Select any any location - navigate to the "Find a Table" screen
3.  Get your two fingers ready press "Select Region" and the numerical "Party Size" box at roughly the same time

Result:  It is very easy to drag the "Party Size" selector screen back to previous menus - this always crashes the Open Table iPhone App

Expected:  Other apps have had this problem, and they have been able to stop it from happening, and stop having these crashes

On a "Find a Table" screen, use two fingers and let go of the numerical "party size" icon just after you've pressed and released "Select Region"

You've now activated the "party size" selector on the wrong screen.  If you change the setting and tap "Done" the app with crash - 100 percent.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

E Online articles always display an error message using Safari Mobile

iPhone firmware: 5.1.1

I keep wondering if I am the only one who is seeing this.

For several weeks now, I have never once been able to get an article from E! Online to work correctly on my iPhone.

Every article I have loaded from E! Online, gives me the following error message:

"This page contains the following errors:

error on line 121 at column 50: EntityRef: expecting ';"

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error."

I see the top of each article, but I am unable to scroll the page up, to read the article. I have gotten this problem 20+ times. Each time i've gone to Google News to look at featured entertainment articles, selected an E! Online link, and gotten stuck on a page with the same error message from above.

Repro Steps:

1. On an iPhone, use Safari Mobile to travel to an E! Online web page
2. Note error message and inability to scroll down through article

Result: My iPhone hasn't displayed a single E! Online article correctly for weeks

Expected: I expect no error message from E! Online articles that I read on an iPhone using Safari Mobile

Repro Rate: On my iPhone, 100 %.

The above screenshot is what i've been seeing on my iPhone for weeks now.

This is from this url:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fontly iPhone App - Can't access the camera roll.

I just downloaded the Fontly app.

The app is a terrific idea!

That said, I do have a complaint.

In iTunes, the pictures included which show the app, include a picture which makes it look as if it is possible for the user to upload a photo from the camera roll of the iPhone.

I looked, and looked, and looked.  And, unless it is right in front of my nose and I just don't see, there doesn't look to be a way to access the camera roll.

Please, please, please, include the option to upload from the camera roll.

That, or remove the screenshot which implies that you can!

This is screenshot of the example image which is up for Fontly.  It makes it look as if it is possible for the user to access the camera roll of the phone.

When I click on the camera, I don't see any option to access the camera roll.  How do I access the camera roll?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Booty-Night Facebook error message isn't bootylicious, it's confusing!

Booty-Night iPhone app (version 1.0.1)

As soon as I saw an app named Booty-Night I had to download it!

As soon as I saw an error message in the app, I had to write it down.

To sum my complaint quickly: This app has a Facebook log-in prompt at first launch.  If the user declines the Facebook log-in prompt, and extremely uninformative error message appears.

An error message of:

"The operation couldn't be completed.  (facebookErrDomain error 104.)"

Appears after declining the facebook log-in.  It's a very computer-ish message.  Please see the attached screenshots.

Repro Steps:

1.  Download the Booty-Night iPhone app
2.  Launch the app
3.  From the facebook prompt, cancel the facebook prompt by using the "x" in upper right hand corner of the pop-up
4.  Scratch your head at uninformative error message of "(facebookErrDomain error 104.)"

Result:  Canceling the Facebook prompt on the Booty-Night iPhone app results in an uninformative error message of "(facebookErrDomain error 104.)"

Expected:  No regular human being is going to understand an error message like "(facebookErrDomain error 104.)"

Download the Booty-Night iPhone app.

From the facebook pop-up (which is first thing you see as you enter the app) click on the "x" in upper right hand corner of the pop-up.

You are left with a head scratcher of an error message - "(facebookErrDomain error 104.)"

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Thirst iPhone App: Running searches for spaces crashes the app

Thirst iPhone App (version 1.1)

I just downloaded the Thirst iPhone app.  Thirst is a very interesting idea.

I've found an easy way to get the app to crash.

I've downloaded, deleted, and re-downloaded the app, and i've managed to get this to reproduce 10 + times with multiple twitter accounts.

The crash is extremely simple, if you run a search of a "space", a single press of the space bar, the application crashes.

Please see the attached screenshots.

Repro Steps:

1.  Download and launch the Thirst app to try it out
2.  Sign in with a twitter account
3.  From the "Newspaper" page, press the triple line thing in upper left
4.  From sidebar, select "Search"
5.  Run a search of a single space/single press of the spacebar
6.  Wait about 3 seconds

Result:  The Thirst iPhone app is crashing for me 100 percent, when I run a search of a press of the spacebar

Expected:  That the thirst iPhone app won't crash if the user runs a search of a single space/single press of the space bar

Download Thirst from the app store.

After logging in with a Twitter account, select "Search" from the side bar.

Press the <space> button and then run a search for a space.  Wait 3 seconds.  This has crashed my Thirst iPhone app numerous times.