Sunday, July 29, 2012

AppAide iPhone App: Clicking on "<- Cancel, and return to app" link from Twitter log-in didn't return me into the app

AppAide iPhone app (Version 1.0)

I just downloaded the newly released AppAide iPhone app, which is a great idea!

I played around with it for a few minutes, and found an extremely minor bug that I couldn't not report.

If you launch the app, and log in with Facebook, you're dropped on a screen where you're encouraged to invite people.

If you select the Twitter option, and then back out of the "Twitter Info" screen by using the "<- Cancel, and return to app" link, you're suddenly dropped on the landing page, instead of being return to the AppAide app's invitation screen.

Like I said, it's an extremely minor bug, but I instantly notice it.  Please see the attached screenshots.

Repro Steps:

1.  Download and launch the AppAide iPhone app
2.  Log in with your Facebook
3.  From the AppAide invitation screen, select the twitter icon
4.  From the "Twitter Info" screen, press the "<- Cancel, and return to app" link

Result:  Backing out from "Twitter Info" screen using "<- Cancel, and return to app" leaves user on the landing page

Expected:  I expected to be returned to the AppAide iPhone app after I clicked on the "<- Cancel, and return to app" link

  Click on Twitter link.

Click on "<- Cancel, and return to app"

Not returned to app.  Taken to website, which doesn't display properly.  You can easily cancel out, but it was first thing that I noticed.

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