Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wanelo iPhone App - Easy to make text disappear in the app

Date: 04/14/2013

Wanelo iPhone App (version 2.5)

There is a very minor bug with the Wanelo iPhone App that I figured I might as well jot down.

If you haven’t tried Wanelo you should, it’s pretty interesting.

The bug is easier to show than to describe, so if you don’t want to read, you can just scroll down to the attached screenshots.

This bug is very simple, and is similar to problems that I’ve seen on the LinkedIn iPhone app and with the latest version of Nosh.

Here’s the basics:  On the “YOU” page, there’s a “FIND FRIENDS” button and a settings button on the top of the screen.

If you press both of these buttons at the same time, it is easy to the “FRIENDS” screen with the title missing from the top of the screen.  In addition, you’ll get into a state where text moves at the top of the screen when you attempt to return to a previous screen.

As I said, it is much easier to show than to describe, so if you’re interested, just scroll down to the attached screenshots.

Steps to reproduce this bug:

1.     Download the Wanelo iPhone App
2.     Launch the app and create an account
3.     Navigate to the “YOU” screen by selecting the sunglasses and mustache icon
4.     Use two fingers and press the mechanical icon and the find friends option at the same time
Result:  Pressing the “FIND FRIENDS” and circular settings button at the same time on the “YOU” screen will take you to the friend invite screen without the “FRIENDS” text on the top of the screen

Expected:  Pressing “FIND FRIENDS” and the circular settings button at the same time shouldn’t cause text to disappear in the app

From the "YOU" screen, select the two circled options as the same time.  (Press and release).

You'll notice the text that is supposed to be at the top of the screen has disappeared.

If you press the "BACK" button once, the word "YOU" will appear on the top of the screen.

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