Thursday, April 25, 2013

AmazonFresh iPhone App - Searches for the percentage sign bring back funny results.

Date: 04/25/13

AmazonFresh iPhone App (Version 1.1.4)

I wonder if I am the only one who has noticed this.

On the AmazonFresh iPhone app, if you run a search for the percentage symbol, you’ll be returned an astounding number of results (today I got 117,024) and a blank list.

Check out the attached screenshots.

1.     Using the AmazonFresh iPhone app, run a search for the percentage symbol
2.     Note the large number of returned results

Result:  Running a search for the percentage symbol on the AmazonFresh iPhone app returns a large number of listed results – but nothing that the user can select

Expected:  If there aren’t any selectable results from a search for the percentage sign, than I don’t expect to see a number listed

Run a search for the percentage sign....

You get back a lot of results!  But there's nothing to select.   

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