Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Quip iPhone App: Easy to reproduce crash on the share screen for New Folders

Date: 07/31/2013

Quip iPhone App: Version 1.0
My iPhone:  Old model 3GS running iOS 6.1


I downloaded the Quip iPhone app after reading about it on the internet.  I like the idea, and the app is easy to use.

I did run into one crash on the iPhone that I wanted to tell you about.  This crash is much easier to show than to describe, so please see the attached screenshots.

Here’s the basics: I keep getting the iPhone app to crash from the “Share Folder” option of a newly created folder.  This crash seems to happen when I add an email address as a contact – if I press this email address with my finger, it doesn’t take me to a “messages” screen.  The app just crashes.

It’s a bit confusing to describe, but I’ve gotten the crash 100 percent with two different, newly created Quip accounts.

Steps to reproduce the crash I keep getting:

1.     Download the Quip app, create an account, verify it
2.     Scroll the default intro screen down to go to “Desktop”
3.     Select the File Folder icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen
4.     Create a New Folder
5.     From the “Add People” search contacts prompt, manually enter in a fake email address (example:
6.     With the fake email address present on the “Add People” screen, tap the fake email address two or three times

Result:  Easy to reproduce crash occurs on the New Folder “add people” contact import screen – enter in a fake email address and tap it twice

Expected:  No easy to reproduce crash on the “add people” contact screen from creating New Folders

Enter into the app with a newly created account....

Head to the "Desktop" area, and then create a new folder....

Create a new folder...

Manually enter in an email address that isn't connected to one of your contacts...

Tap the email address two or three times on this screen.  I have gotten this to crash the iPhone app numerous times now.

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