Saturday, April 6, 2013

Swirl It iPhone App - the "Feedback" and "Tell a Friend" options don't work


The feedback feature on the Swirl It wine discovery app for the iPhone isn't working.

If you haven't downloaded Swirl It! yet, you should.  It's a great idea for an app.  I played around with it for a few minutes this morning, and it worked very well.

I was surprised to discover that the feedback feature doesn't work.  Every time I clicked on either "Feedback" or "Tell a Friend" a blank email page would pop-up, and then promptly collapse.

Users aren't able to send an email telling people to check out the app.

I've never seen this on any iPhone app.


1.  Download and launch the Swirl It app
2.  Create an account (I didn't use facebook connect)
3.  From within the app select "About"
4.  Select either "Feedback" or "Tell a Friend"

Result:  On my iPhone, the "Feedback" and "Tell a Friend" links on the "About" section of the Swirl It! app don't work - an email screen pops up and then promptly collapses down

Expected:  That "Feedback" and "Tell a Friend" links on the Swirl It! iPhone app should work

Download the Swirl It! iPhone app.

Select either "Feedback" or "Tell a Friend".....

Blank email message pops up and collapses....

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