Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thumb iPhone App: Account creation using twitter crashes the app

Date: 03/18/2014

Thumb iPhone App: Version 4.0.2

My iPhone: An old school 16GB, 3GS
My iOS: 6.1


I’ve gotten this to reproduce seven times in seven attempts.  I’ve gotten this to reproduce after rebooting my phone.

On my old iPhone, if I launch the Thumb iPhone app (version 4.0.2) and select “Sign Up with Twitter” the app will crash and send me back to the home screen.

Using my same exact phone, I was able to select “Sign Up with Facebook” and to use the email sign up process without having the app crash.

Something looks to be wrong with the Twitter account creation process – other people have mentioned this problem in reviews of the app.

Please see the attached screenshots. 

Steps to Reproduce:

1.     Launch the Thumb iPhone app (version 4.0.2) on an iPhone running iOS 6.1
2.     Select “Sign Up”
3.     Select “Sign Up with Twitter”

Result:  Selecting the “Sign Up with Twitter” option crashes the Thumb iPhone app

Expected:  Selecting the “Sign Up with Twitter” option should not crash the Thumb iPhone app

Please take a look at comment number fifteen above.  The person writes that the app, "will not let me log in with my twitter account, it kicks me off the app."  I am having the exact same problem...

Selecting the "Sign Up with Twitter" option crashes the app for me, 100 percent.  The "Sign Up with Facebook" and the email sign up options work fine.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Instacart Facebook login error message is confusing

Date: 03/04/2014

Instacart iPhone App: Version 3.1.1

My iPhone: An old school 16GB, 3GS
My iOS: 6.1


This one is a minor pet peeve of mine.

If you cancel out of the facebook login process, you’ll be taken back into the Instacart app with an absolutely horrible message that’s pretty common with a lot of iPhone apps.

The error message says, “The operation couldn’t be completed.  (com.facebook.sdk error 2.)”

Please see the attached screenshot.

Steps to reproduce:

1.     Launch the Instacart iPhone App (Version 3.1.1)
2.     Select the “SIGN IN WITH FACEBOOK” option
3.     Cancel out of the Facebook login (you’ll be redirected to the Instacart app)
4.     Read the error message: “The operation couldn’t be completed.  (com.facebook.sdk error 2.)

Result:  Canceling out of Instacart’s facebook sign-in process produces a confusing error message

Expected:  A less confusing error message!