Sunday, November 24, 2013

myfab5 iPhone app: Stuck on "Loading..." after canceling out of Instagram login

Date: 11/24/2013
Myfab5 iPhone App: Version 1.4.5
My iPhone’s iOS: 6.1


This is a minor complaint, but cancelling out of the Instagram login page seems to strand the user on an indefinite “Loading….” Screen.

I’ve gotten this multiple times now, and I have noticed it enough to write it down.  I’ve gotten this from two different areas of account creation from within the iOS app.

This is easier to show than to describe, so please see the attached screenshots.

Steps to reproduce:

1.     On an iPhone running iOS 6.1 – download and launch the Myfab5 iPhone app
2.     Select “Sign up”
3.     From the “Welcome to myfab5” screen select “Signup”
4.     Select “Signup w/ Instagram”
5.     From the Instagram login page, select “Cancel”
6.     I keep getting stuck on “Loading…”

Result:  Canceling out of the Instagram account creation area keeps stranding me on a “Loading…” screen

Expected:  Canceling out of the Instagram account creation screen shouldn’t strand me on a “Loading…” screen

Please note:  I can continually tap on the screen, and it will occasionally take me to the email sign up screen – but as an end user it appears as if it is broken to me.

Download the app, launch it, then select this "Signup" option....

Select the "Signup w/ Instagram" option...

Cancel out of the Instagram login...

Stuck on "Loading..."