Saturday, September 21, 2013

Chewsy iPhone App: Crash from tomfoolery on "More Detail" screens

Date: 09/22/2013

Chewsy iPhone App: Version 4.2.1

My iPhone model: 3GS
My iPhone firmware:  6.1


If you haven’t downloaded the Chewsy iPhone app, you should.  It’s fun and works well.

That said, I have found a very minor crash that occurs with the iPhone app.  This crash isn’t something that the average user will run into during their use of Chewsy.  But this crash does exist – so I’ve decided to write it down.

This crash is much easier to show than to describe, so please take a look at the screenshots below.

Here are the basics of the crash:  On the “More Detail” page for any restaurant, there is a report button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

If you press this “Report” button at the same time that you press a “Review” back button, there is an easy way to pop-up menu to appear incorrectly on the previous screen.

Once this pop-up menu appears, incorrectly, on a review screen, the app will crash once you select any option from this menu.

Like I said, this is much easier to show than to describe, so please just take a look at the attached screenshots.  This is the same type of crash that I’ve discovered with numerous iPhone apps.

Steps to reproduce this bug:

1.     Download and then launch the Chewsy iPhone app
2.     Head to any restaurant’s “More Detail” page
3.     Coordinate pressing the “Report” button and the “Review” arrow at approximately the same time
4.     With the “Report” options pop-up dragged to a review screen, select any of the options

Result:  There is an easy to reproduce crash with the Chewsy iPhone app – this crash occurs from the “More Detail” page.  The user can easily drag the report pop-up menu to the previous review screen

Expected:  No crash, no matter how convoluted the steps

Download and launch the Chewsy iPhone app.

Select any posted dish in order to head to a restaurant's "More Detail" page.  

Select a restaurant in order to head to the "More Detail" page - in this instance, Seattle's Sushi Maru.

Coordinate pressing the "Report" button and the "Reviews" arrow.

This pop-up has now been dragged onto of a "Reviews" screen.

Doing anything from on the pop-up will crash the app.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

myfab5 iPhone App: Feature Request for predictive text in location search box

Feature Request for the myfab5 iPhone app:

Minor request for the iPhone app.

When you're typing in location of city, could "Sea" and especially "Seat" bring up "Seattle" as the top result?

I manually type in "Seat" and a town in Illinois is returned as top result.  Would most users who type in "Seat" expect "Seattle" to be returned as the top result in the predictive text?


1.  Go to search on app
2.  Type in "Sea" as location (Seattle isn't top result)
3.  Type in "Seat" as location (Seattle isn't top result"

Result:  Typing in "Sea" or "Seat" does not bring back the city of Seattle as top result in predictive text in the location search box inside the iPhone app

Expected:  It would be easier if "Seattle" were returned as top predictive text when the user enters in "Sea" or "Seat"

Seaside, California is returned as a top predictive text result for "Sea"

Seaton, Illinois is returned for "Seat"

Thursday, September 12, 2013

myfab5 iPhone app: Easy way to crash the app via the "Tips" screen

Date: 09/12/2013

Myfab5 iPhone app: Version 1.0


No user is likely to ever run into this, but I have found an easy way to crash the iPhone app.

This is much easier to show than to describe, so if you’re interested, please just skip down to the attached screenshots.

Here are the basics of the crash:

From the detail page of most places, you have the ability to “See more” of the tips left for that particular place.  On this “Tips” screen, there is a cross in the upper right hand corner of the screen.  If you press the cross button and the “Venue” button at the same time, the “Leave a comment” tip creation pop-up is drag onto the previous screen.  At this point (with the tip creation pop-up overlaid over the incorrect screen) the app will crash if you attempt to leave a tip or cancel out the pop-up.

That’s a mouthful, so please just see the attached screenshots.

Steps to reproduce:

1.     Already having an active account, launch the myfab5 iPhone app
2.     Go to the detail page of a popular place
3.     From the detail page of a popular place, scroll down and select “See More”
4.     From the “Tips” screen, press the add/cross icon (in upper right) and the “Venue” option in upper left at the same time
5.     Attempt to either “Submit” or cancel out of the “Leave a comment” pop-up

Result:  There’s an easy way to crash the myfab5 iPhone app if you drag a “Leave a comment” pop-up onto a venue screen

Expected:  App shouldn’t crash, no matter how odd and convoluted the steps are that cause the crash

Select any place...

Select the "See More" option...

Press the add and the "Venue" options at the same time...

The "Leave a comment" option is overlaid on the previous venue screen.  No matter what, the app will now crash.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Groupon iPhone App: Easy to get pieces of the UI to disappear

Date: 09/10/2013

Groupon iPhone App: Version 2.8


There’s a very minor bug with the current version of the Groupon iPhone app (Version 2.8).

This is a bug that is similar to bugs that are found in a large number of iPhone app.

This is easier to show than to describe, so please just take a look at the attached screenshots.

Here’s the basics of this bug:  From the “Confirm” screen for any purchase, there are options to “Add Payment Method” and “Enter Code” – if you toggle these two options at the same time, you will be take to screen that is activated from pressing “Add Payment Method.”  The problem is that the “Credit / Debit Card” text and the “Save” button disappear.

This isn’t that major of bug, and it does not result in a crash.  You can, in fact, get the “Credit / Debit Card” text and “Save” button to reappear by pressing the “Back” button once.

It is interesting, and this is the type of bug that reproduces with a large number of iPhone apps.

Steps to reproduce this bug:

1.     With an active Groupon account, launch the Groupon iPhone app (version 2.8)
2.     Select any purchasable item in the app
3.     From the “Confirm” screen, press and release the “Add Payment Method” and the “Enter Code” options simultaneously (takes some finger finesse)
4.     Note that the “Credit / Debit Card” header and the “Save” button have disappeared from the top of the screen

Result:  There is an easy way to get the text of “Credit / Debit Card” and the “Save” button to disappear from an add payment option screen inside of the iPhone app

Expected:  Menu text and buttons should not disappear from inside of the UI of an iPhone app

Update to the latest version of the Groupon iPhone app...

Select the "Buy!" option from any deal...

Select any deal...

It takes some two finger finesse, but select the "Add Payment Method" and "Enter Code" options at the same time, usually toggling "Add Payment Method" slightly before "Enter Code"...

Menu heading and "Save" button has disappeared...

This is how it should look.  Not a huge bug.

Lime&Tonic iPhone App: Easy crash from toggling menu items

Lime&Tonic iPhone App: Version 1.1

Date: 09/10/2013


I’ve crashed the Lime&Tonic iPhone app several times today.  The crash is very obscure, and not something the average user would ever run into.

That said, since I’ve sent in several of the crashes using the crash reporting feature, I figured that I should write down how I was doing it.

The Lime&Tonic iPhone app is pretty interesting, and it has a very nice design.  If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you should.

This bug is much easier to show than to describe, so please just take a look at the attached screenshots.

Here’s the specifics of the bug: 

There are “Experience Detail” pages inside of the Lime&Tonic iPhone app.  If you navigate to an “Experience Detail” page that has reviews, you can crash the app by toggling two menu items simultaneously.  If you press a back arrow option and a review option on an “Experience Detail” page that has reviews, the app will crash.

That’s a mouthful, I know.  It is much easier to show that to describe.

Steps to reproduce this crash:

1.     Already having an active Lime&Tonic account, launch the iPhone app
2.     Select the “My Agenda” option
3.     Select an item that has been reviewed (I selected a “CREATE YOUR OWN PIZZA” option)
4.     From an “Experience Detail” page that has reviews, press the “Reviews” option in the upper right hand corner and the back arrow in the upper left at the same time
5.     If done corrected, you wont be returned to the “Experience Detail” screen, you’ll instead see menu options at the top of the screen disappear
6.     Let the app sit for about two seconds – it will crash

Result:  Toggling menu options on an “Experience Detail” page that has ratings results in an easy to reproduce crash

Expected:  There should not be an easy to reproduce crash on “Experience Detail” pages from toggling menu items

Select something that has reviews.  I selected a "CREATE YOUR OWN PIZZA" option that had reviews...

It takes two fingers: Press the back arrow and the review option at the same time.

You'll notice that there's no text in the header up front.  The app will swirl like this for a couple of seconds....

The app will crash, and you'll be presented with this when you re-launch the app....

Then you'll have option to send in the crash report, as I have done several times today.